(NaPoWriMo) #1: Learning something new

Learning something new is never easy —

It takes commitment, patience – so much patience. It takes determination and that stubborn will to learn, to achieve, to strive and — but what is the point of all this learning? What are you going to do with? Hang it with the other certificates and medals and trophies on the mantle?

I think the point of learning something new is to be able to do something about it, expand your horizons a little, change your perspective. What’s the point of learning something if it’s all just reduced to mere words.

I am no poet. Heck, poetry confuses me, overwhelms me and scares me a little. But I had been looking forward to do some writing for my blog and along came the National Poetry Writing Month with all its fine prompts and words and I couldn’t resist.

I am just here to let go of all the words that are trapped in my head — wow, that was kinda poetic wasn’t it? 😀

Are you participating in the NaPoWriMo? Let me know so I can check out your work too!

Much love x

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